i decided to direct my inspiration to fitness. the gym is a huge part of my life... i think drawing something gym related will exciting for me and also really enjoyable. it will be a nice chance also to see how i adapt all iv learnt with my pencil skills. its been over a year since iv drawn a realistic pencil drawing, ill need to brush up fast. after all these projects keep coming and the work load is rising...im starting to feel the pressure from all angles now. and even more so that i just received my feed back from 503 and i'm not happy with my results.
i want to create a inspirational image. or find an image that inspires me or someone else. somthing that can be used aslo in the gym world.
research inspiration - gym and fitness related.
drawing studies of the images
pencil warm up techniques and excursus.
experiment on different paper stocks
start the drawing.
because its im not aloud to take photos of gymnasiums its been real hard to find inspiration that i can share on my blog. yeah i get inspired when im at the gym. i see someone leant over a smiths, music in their ears, staring across the gym pumping up for the next set and i think what a black and white drawing that would make. but i can document that on blogger. so im going to have to use the internet to try and find inspirational images. of work outs, working out, pre work out, the hype, the pump even a end result of a body transformation anything that is inspiring to others.
these are some of the images that im working towards. between set or work out. this is my starting point. the woman inspiration image is realy striking me. when it comes to femail fitnes, all that is advertised to them is, bigger ass, slimmer waist. almost telling woman that they shouldn't gain muscle
if a woman wants to gain then she should have the same amount of ispritaion and suport just like the men who go to the gym and work out for bigger arms and chest! so maybe my focus could be an inspirational image...or a nod to the head of the woman who are out there gaining. a nod of the head to them woman doing it there way.
the above mages are realy pushing the boat on sexist...im sure but gues what there pictures of muscle men in shorts every were in gyms. if im to make a piece that is for the people whos done it and can inspire people to do it then i should research some of thouse woman.
jessie is a ifbb figure champian. ever since the first title she has focused on health and fitnes training and has helped thousonds of womaning over the world ( the jessie girls ) she offers vlogs about work outs and diet plans she helps controll a healthy life style. shes helped body transformationa and so on but most importently shes a huge inspiration to thousands of woman.
shes done it! shes doing it! shes inspiration.
i wanted to find an inspirational image that says it has been done, it can be done and shows inspiration. i think mrs hilgenberg is this figure im looking for.
for jessie its not about having that big but them slim hips. its about having a figure. and that contains muscle gain. like i stated before theres not that much for inspiring woman to gain just inspiring woman to be what fasion think its should be. people think we live in a disney tale world for fuck sake...men should be chissled and charming and handsome. woman need to be fair petite and what have you...2016!!

to draw something like this would be good. i can see this in the black and grey with no back ground. it would work. it would voice how ever i have to keep in mind that this comp isnt an inspirational advert it is a pencil quality comportistion but the advert init is going to keep me hyped for the image. i need to find an image that can let me capture great realism, something that will translate good on paper. something that will allow me to hit high level of quality.
deep in the internet i found these images...these are what iv been looking for, these are-
insperational for woamn who want it
inspirational to show woman its been done
inspiration what can be
allow me to be able to create a high level of craft.
allows me to create nice realism
allows me to create an awsome scale of grey grades

id like to say that iv been drawing long enough to understand paper by now and i feel that the best paper to draw this on would be a nice thicker cartridge. like a 45 plus...but im wondering if the pencil would look nicer on summerset paper maybe the vintage would make the pencil work more grater and look more sharper with it having a tanned back ground.
went to the libiary and bought a few summer set pages of each. when i got back home i realised they dont messure out the size i want the image to be. i wanted it to be A1 but these are about 2 inch shorter all around...that aint what i wanted. so thats out of the picture. as it was the tanned vintage summerset paper was too dark and would look almost burnt on to the page.
55 + cartridge will be better due to size and due to the fact its a crisp white and will work well when trying to create dark dark places in the image, the over white and the over shadowed is what i need to make the image look realsitic.
i started of by printing in the images of jessie and giving all of them a real good look and to see whitch would let me really express depth, expression and also show of what i can do! after all thats importent for the win of the competition.

i chose this one becasue theres a real good balance of shadow and highlights in this picture and like i said before these are the best tools to work with to make a picture look realistic. these are the elements that will really make my skills with a pencil come through...not because im that good but beacsue anyones drawings look better with highlights and casted and reflected shadows
the image is also intresting, the placement the pose is all interesting, it shows anatomy at its best...and i think this comp is going to be portentous as hell and this will tick that box with this pose.