travelling man exhibition. this is an exhibition that will take place at the travelling man comic book store down in Leeds city centre. being one of the two managing this exhibition I shouldn't be able to get this wrong... pretty simple project the theme is fan art...and we have a colour pallet boundry to work within.
I feel that I'm pushing it a little bit by taking on this project. but I feel it's a possibility a good chance to make contacts and get my work seen within the industry that I want my work to exist in. I don't want to spend too much time on this I want this project to be completed within a 2 day period. I'm going to see this as a practice to plough out some god quality work in a short space of time.
well if you didn't guess what my fan art project was going to be by now then you don't know me at all...of course, I'm going to do star wars! star wars for a number of reasons!!! 1. it's awesome 2. it has a huge following 3. it a dream of mine to work on something star wars (so whatever chance I get ill do it) 4. on the date of the exhibition opening its 46 days until the next star wars come out. and yet another trailer will be realised so there will be as always a huge hype and a buzz everything related star wars. plus I already know lots about star wars so I won't have to do a lot of research I can work from reference but because I'm a huge fan and have drawn these characters 100s of times since I was like 6 I know what they should look like and what I can get away with. not only am I wanting people to look at my work and want to buy it, I want people to notice who's done it!
I started of by taking an hour of my spare time and googled fan art star wars.
impressive stuff but none that I can see that I can relate that a good thing?
I think I'm drawn to the ones that show more craft in it. I seem to pick out the ones that I would have on my wall. the ones with multiple characters on are the ones that I feel shows a level of craft
A2 I don't want to waste that space, i saw a few of my peers drawing 2 or 3 things on one page and its just too front heavy and I just see space that could have been used, so saying that I'm going to use all my page.
I've been incredibly influenced and inspired by the fan art above.I'mm thinking about a huge piece with multiple characters on.
my favourite pieces of work are the ones that you get lost in, mentally and physically, I like it when your close up to a piece and able to notice new things "wow look whos just over his shoulder...wally" if that makes sense.
okay, below are the characters that I will be putting on this fan art poster, there's going to be multiples of the stormtroopers...there's going to be around 25 characters drawn all together!
stormtrooper, sand trooper, snow trooper, scout trooper,stormtrooper7, snowtrooper7,flametrooper7,captinephasma,thanks trooper,desterstormtrooper,death trooper,kyloren,
darthvader,emporier, hux,cant remember,the director,spoke
below are some of the vehicles that are used in the films that I want to exist in my poster.
I decided to base my project on the bad guys of the franchise. the empire, the dark side. resin being...I researched on Instagram and twitter and the amount of star wars fan group and pages was more about the empire than it was the rebels...( the good guys) by a lot! 3-1 kind of thing happening.
so I feel that if I'm aiming this at the fans of start wars I should aim it at what the majority is like!
I revisited some of my work that I had done previous to this project. I was getting my self-familiar with the drawings again, studying the strokes and contrast to the ink. part of me was looking for a shortcut and hoping that I could scan them and arrange them on photoshop or just trace them onto the A2 page...
I can't do either because the line weight will change throughout the one gets smaller the other line weight will get heavier and this will through the piece of big time. so I plan to draw all the characters str8 onto the A2 page there for I will have a consistent line weight and a true form picture.
I didn't spend too much time on thumbnails I usually spend a lot of time testing out compositions and layouts but I had a clear vision what I had in mind and I came to the final composition idea fairly quickly. was one of them moments where you know it's right. however I didn't want to jump the gun but at the same time didn't want to waste any more time... I asked peers for advice on which they felt worked the better and all said the second one ( right hand side below) one peer told me that she was drawn to this one right away because she had seen this composition done so many times and that this was a fresh idea and not seen she's a huge star wars geek like me and is a fan liked it that's hitting the nail on the head. so the vote was in and 100 of people said the second one.
add thumbnails in
following my thumbnail I laid out the placement of characters I got that just the way I wanted before I added the refined pencil. this stage isn't the recovery line work for my ink, but its guidelines...without sounding all fine art and pretentious the pencil work in my practice is a conversation between me and my development. thicker lines tell me to remember a drop shadow goes there, a smudge reminds me a gradient is needed here, and cross hatch with a pencil means a darker shade of grey is needed to express a reflected shadow. and this conversation needs to happen in this piece because its a big piece with lots going on and if I forget about one of these, it will not be forgiving. id loose the whole picture...the thicker line on one trooper can through of the composition and the weight of the picture ( i.e if a trooper behind another has the thicker line weight and a wrong drop shadow it will appear that the trooper in the back ground should be in front of the trooper in the foreground.
you can see more of that conversation happening here...the jaw lines are thicker to indicate a cast shadow is needed. I could have made these characters look realistic, but I want these characters to be recognised but in the comic format.
this is a proses shot, about 80% done with the pencil.
I didn't expect to spend this amount of time on the pencil work, I spent 2 hours and 10 mins... not to sound big headed but it's not bad going for a couple of hours work. it's made me think that I can handle these short briefs with a good standard result. the plan for this project was to practice this and I feel like its paying off....but I haven't started the inking and digital yet there could easily be a huge challenge such as me trying to save the document that will jeopardise the time on this project
I used a lightbox to ink on a separate piece of paper, something I don't really do because sometimes I can't see the line work properly or I don't get that clear conversation I was talking about and it always leads me to make a mistake and having to start again, but I thought I've learnt from my mistakes and ill give it ago (on the largest piece iv worked on in 3 years) whilst I was inking on the light box I noticed the difference it had on my practice already. the lines were clear and tight. something ill adds to my development every time.
the lightbox has improved my line work dramatically. there been comments from peers and without been big headed I agree that it looks professional, so I'm pretty happy to have achieved it. iv always looked at my work and thought it's missing that professional look always has that crafted hobbyist level to it. the improvement on the line work made it complement the digital colouring. every time I added a colour I got that bit more excited about how it was looking.
I came across a challenge I had intended to have all the ink done by 6 o'clock one evening so I can get the base coats down on my digital colour by 10 pm...the challenge was that the print room at college shuts at half 3 and that is the only place I could get an A2 image scanned...if I missed it that meant that I had would have to wait until Monday to scan it and that would mean I was 3 days behind. so at 3.20 Friday I ran to the print room and scanned in what I had so far and then planned to draw the rest on a3 paper and then scan them in and add them into photoshop and add them on later that evening.
right - here's a teaser I posted on I wanted to show of a little...its all about the likes.
left - progression shot of the colour being applied. important step! here I think you can see the decisions that were being made regarding the colours. I was testing out that heavy pink and the dark blues...I wanted to get that 80s feel on the helmet ad sink of the old guy in the top right.
if you scroll up to the images that show the inks been applied you'll see an at-at walker to the left of the image (looks like the below) it on a side profile so looks flat. I felt that something needed to change out the composition of this as I felt it was flattening the image and drawing the eye of the page...I asked peers and they agreed so I drew another composition of the at-at walker and scanned it in and used powers on photoshop to make it part of the piece.
the piece at this stage is coming to its end. I have to add tie fighters in the background and add shading to make the image have depth. here I added a border to the piece to see what it was I was working too. with the white border, i can see the final image and how it will look. i like it :).
when I felt it was finished I got Patrick and ben to critique it. and they picked at it to the very detail witch was perfect! its nice to get feed brack from someone who know that i won't take that is actually constructive. the studio needs more honest feedback, more times than none iv come away from a group crit and been told yeah it's nice!....that's it, knowing full well that this isnt the practice they like so I'm sure they would have something they would change about it...but never mind i got my feed back none theless.
not sure if you can see it from this photo but there's lots of circles, and crosses and all kinds of notifications on it, these are all pointers from ben and Patrick. I don't know why but i love seeing test prints with all these working outs on it! maybe it excites me because i have a to push that image a bit further.
i think its nice to be told this needs doing and that needs changing becuase that means if you do them thats your work stepping up its getting better never understood how people get offended by critiques but i must say the hardest part of taking this critism was reciving it 1 hour and 10 mins before they get sent to be printed.
progrestion shot...hitting that digital flow to get it ready for print on time.
the final out come.
i think its a successful piece. i think it shows my research and interests well. i adapted the comic book style with that collage of characters you see on the movie posters at the beginning of this post. working in a limited colour pallet was a challenge but i really really enjoyed it. i think it challenged me to use colour in a different way to show contrasts and a different way of expressing light. also i felt the challenge of having to mix the colours up enough so the portraits represented them. using a limited colour pallet is something I'll definitely be applying to my practice in the future i had so much fun with the challenge and i feel that it makes the work look more interesting it draws they more to the picture. working with in a short time was stressful...i didnt hit my deadline of 2 days because of other commitments in college such as cop and tutorials but i only spent 22 hours and 50 mins on this project so i did it under the 2 days but oer the duration of 6 days. iv learnt that i can create somthing of a good quolity in a short amaount of time. in future i know that i can tell clients that a project can be created and finished with in 7 working days and that gives me more than enough time to jugle a few projects about...if that makes sence. over all i learnt a great deal from this little project. how i handle my timemangement, new skills in my practice, working to a short dead line, and that i can create not bad work with in a short time space.