Tuesday, 24 February 2015


composition task

now i understand composition i feel this lets me explore the lay out of my drawing with in my roughs and thumb nails. exploring different possiblitys lets me look and decides what looks best and lets me see which rough communicates what it is I'm trying to say or even show.

i decided to come away from cowboys and indians to help my motivation, i tried a bit of horror and tried to create a front page of a zombie novel or pin up or even a scene with in a graphic novel.

the elements i chose to put in my image are. crops, tree, and zombie.

with the roughs i explored different angles, positions and sizes of the elements to find the best look.



final piece developed from roughs 

in dip pen and ink. some fine liner work was used. this was drawn under a magnifying glass.

even though i used the roughs to create my final piece i added the zombie figures in the distance to create depth and more character to the image. i feel strongly about creating roughs before making an image but i feel even strongly that roughs don't have to be the final idea, i feel that even when working on the final piece is part of the development. 

when working on the roughs i felt i got to a comfortable stage and was happy with the final rough, it felt right and it felt finished. but when refining it something just didn't sit right in my gut, it felt un finished. it refused to come to life and felt it was flat as an image. i added the zombies to make depth…so even though i was on my final image to me its still a projection not a final. 

composition 2

elements of this picture was the monkey character dutch, and a lap dancer.



1- the body of the dancer of set and largely up front .
  - dutch in the background 

2- dutches head largely cropped waving money
  - dancer in back ground 

3- dutch sat in back ground
  - veiw point is between the womans thighs 

final developed image, quick 30 mins project 

i went with the first rough because its less crewed, and it doesn't shout stripper or strip joint this could be suggestion of a character who's paying for his drink. keeps me out of trouble if i keep it with the power of suggestion and let people make up there own minds…dirty buggers.

a more developed image from the strip scene. using dip pen and inks.

composition on a walking dead piece.

finished walking dead piece. I'm happy with results of this work, with a bit more time i would have brought more detail and tones in the background.

iv taken this composition task seriously. trying to identify and learn more about it. i feel that composition is a tool already in my practise, but it can be worked on and i can learn much more to stregnthen that. as movies been a massive inspiration to my work i gave my self the task to identify good composition or what would make a good drawing with in composition.

been a little different and making objects and character parts come out of the frame and make things pop. was just experimenting something new and different for me.  jeff bridges- R.I.P.D

out of focus officer in the back ground expresses composition i think! tom hardy- bronson

all though this isn't the best composition i still felt it was a good image to show a different type of composition. things been side by side is still composition. matt walberg- ted

one for the veggies! another composition experiment

Thursday, 19 February 2015

i see a face. gif creation, the bird 2

to make this gif more successful than the last bird gif i felt that i should draw the birds again and draw more frames for each movement there for it would be more smoother and when its sped up to 0 seconds delay, it shouldn't flicker. 
when i was drawing the birds on my first attempt at the gif i was drawing them intentionally for the computer making it easier for my self. i drew these with the intention to create a flip book, if it worked on the pages it would work on the computer.

not many frames but its enough to create the illusion of movement, by the fourth frame the only thing i moved was the shading under the beak and the eye upwards the head, this was enough to suggest that the head was moving. 

to the dreaded computer.

after i scanned the images i cropped the image into squares. i changed the level for a crisper more cleaner look. i needed help making the the frames into revers so the image was forever running.

i decided to put a fluttering bird in the back ground to give it depth. again i thought i was able to create this illusion on my own but with my limited skill on photo shop this was a challenge for me.

i googled it but i couldn't figure out what it would be called or what to type so i asked for help again.
i was shown a couple of times and i finally got the hang of what i was shown.

(blog shout out to Georgie and Naomi)

when creating the bird flying in the back ground, i decided to keep it minimill and with no detail. just keeping it the basic shape and form will help the illusion of fast movement.

more and more frames and layers was starting to build up and it started to confuse me and i was getting lost and more confused about photoshop. i feel I'm slowly learning more things with photoshop but still not at a comfortable level to be creating gifs. i couldn't create one on my own i would have to have someone over my shoulder watching me do it with out messing it up. but hopefully after a few more gif experiments and 2 more final gifs will leave me been able to create a gif on my own.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

i see a face. creating a gif

starting to create the gifs. i have chosen to cease 3 gifs one a very defined and difficult one, and more lose but steady 1 and then a fun and less artistically skill needed 1. this bird gif is the refined and high standard gif, even though its not refined as my usual work.

i started by sketching on tracing paper the first frame. a bird sat on the branch.

i then changed the levels if the image to give it a mover texture and to get rid of the paper texture, bringing the pencil tone down makes the pencil work darker and makes the image less crafted looking.

i knew that i would struggle with the computer side of creating the gif. i tried work out in my he'd what would be the best way to adapt skills into making a successful gif. i thought by drawing the bird once and scanning it in then drawing and scanning in elements of the bird that moves 

 a couple more images i drew to over lap the images to create the movement on the gif

then layering them and over lapping them one by one on each frame. this didn't go to plan what so ever, it brought me more stress and struggle. i couldn't get to grips of how the animation worked on the compute. the images i had created to move didn't work as planned there wasn't enough images fame by fame for the movement to look true. it was twitching and very unsuccessful.

at this point i was lost, i couldn't work out how to make it work, my mind had gone blank on how to create it on paper for the image to run smooth. nothing would work. to get it smooth running on aper and on computer just wouldn't compute in my mind. struggled a lot on this

this is the point i got to before i decided to stop and start again with a fesh mind and eye.

I'm happy that iv got something that kinda moves on screen but its not what i expected of my self or what i had in mind for a finished piece. i wanted the head to have a smoother fast movement and the wings i wanted to fluter but have some sense of moment when they shut again, a suggestion that they was going back to a comfortable state. how ever it just looks like a old game boy game graphics…vey bold. the wings don't open and close they appear then vanish.

this will do as a test, iv learnt what to do for my next gif. i shall draw each frame on paper then scan them all in and work on them one by one instead of trying to make it easier for my ability on photoshop.

i see a face. developing characters and gif ideas

i chose the characters that got the best reaction from feed back from the group crits and pushed the development of them forward. the first idea to pushed forward was the little dude character that was based on facial expressions. 

my idea for this character was to be expressive with facial expressions. because gifs are silent i wanted the expression to do all the talking and to be over expressed and over the top.

i chose to study and reference from kids animation film despicable me and despicable me 2 because i knew there as creatures in them films that are known for expression and using that to communicate because they don't really talk. i then watched paranormal for a different side of expression research with that been a stop animation of clay work.


developing the dude was fun and it was one of them moments were you just get lost in daring pages and pages. good music, good cupper, god development<good evening! i felt i had exhaustedly drawn the character and came to a happy ending of this man. i felt i had got the expressions i was aiming for.

have you ever just watched someone make a cup of tea? the expression they pull when they think people are not looking and the faces they pull to do the sympelist of things. its really funny. the eyebrows rise when they team the water into the cup the tongue stocks out when they are adding the sugar! basic observation of uncontolling facial expressions has ben a key factor into developing this chaacter.

experimenting with expression to fit his daft super hero character.
i wanted a serious batman face ail look to this one but some comic value too

 experimenting with clothing.


creating ideas for this dudes gifs.1
i wanted this gif to have the character in situations that allow the face to be the volume and the voice. 

above! frame 1 is the character slowly creeping onto frame with a puzzled looked face. 
            frame 2 the character kicks back and laughs wen he sees the viewer 
            frame 3 realises that he's been laughed at and that people are really so he walks slowly back
            frame 4 starts to run away 
            fame 5 falls flat on his face then eventually somehow removes him self from frame 
 idea 2

above! fame 1 dude slowly creeps into frame
           frame 2 laughs
           frame 3 stats to do a gag dal of facial expressions
           fram 4 he continues then a hand comes into shot and slaps him in the face
           fram 5 hand has dlepped him of shot

idea 3

above.   frame 1 dude is lowering him self down with super hero face
             frame 2 dude is yanked by the cable that is stuck
             frame 3 dude is yanking and tugging at the cable
             frame 4 cable snaps
             frame 5dude falls from fame

on a previous task (that was blogged before this) i drew a skipping robot i loved the idea that this could be a gif so i pushed the robot forward.

quick drawing of the character that will be skipping through my gif.

 i started to realise the difficulty i will have developing the skipping robot so i drew a basic skeleton of a skipping robot, just two elements in the motion that will allow me to visually brake it down and piece it together.

pushed this forward to a future robot skipping. then i had the idea of having the robot from the future skipping through lasers and bombs

why not give him a gun! and make him running through a war zone. a future robot running though lasers and in the background have rockets shooting through the air.

gif idea for running robot.

all frames are the robot running. all frames will have lasers passing through the figures body. as if he's just missing them. on the odd frame there will be a missile screaming through the air.

the bird didn't need much pushing forward as its going to be a observationally drawn bird
 but my idea for the gif was to capture the fast flickering movement of the bird. fast head movement and maybe a quick flutter across the branch.