now i understand composition i feel this lets me explore the lay out of my drawing with in my roughs and thumb nails. exploring different possiblitys lets me look and decides what looks best and lets me see which rough communicates what it is I'm trying to say or even show.
i decided to come away from cowboys and indians to help my motivation, i tried a bit of horror and tried to create a front page of a zombie novel or pin up or even a scene with in a graphic novel.
the elements i chose to put in my image are. crops, tree, and zombie.
with the roughs i explored different angles, positions and sizes of the elements to find the best look.

final piece developed from roughs
in dip pen and ink. some fine liner work was used. this was drawn under a magnifying glass.
even though i used the roughs to create my final piece i added the zombie figures in the distance to create depth and more character to the image. i feel strongly about creating roughs before making an image but i feel even strongly that roughs don't have to be the final idea, i feel that even when working on the final piece is part of the development.
when working on the roughs i felt i got to a comfortable stage and was happy with the final rough, it felt right and it felt finished. but when refining it something just didn't sit right in my gut, it felt un finished. it refused to come to life and felt it was flat as an image. i added the zombies to make depth…so even though i was on my final image to me its still a projection not a final.
composition 2
elements of this picture was the monkey character dutch, and a lap dancer.

1- the body of the dancer of set and largely up front .
- dutch in the background
2- dutches head largely cropped waving money
- dancer in back ground
3- dutch sat in back ground
- veiw point is between the womans thighs
final developed image, quick 30 mins project
i went with the first rough because its less crewed, and it doesn't shout stripper or strip joint this could be suggestion of a character who's paying for his drink. keeps me out of trouble if i keep it with the power of suggestion and let people make up there own minds…dirty buggers.
a more developed image from the strip scene. using dip pen and inks.
composition on a walking dead piece.
finished walking dead piece. I'm happy with results of this work, with a bit more time i would have brought more detail and tones in the background.
iv taken this composition task seriously. trying to identify and learn more about it. i feel that composition is a tool already in my practise, but it can be worked on and i can learn much more to stregnthen that. as movies been a massive inspiration to my work i gave my self the task to identify good composition or what would make a good drawing with in composition.
been a little different and making objects and character parts come out of the frame and make things pop. was just experimenting something new and different for me. jeff bridges- R.I.P.D
out of focus officer in the back ground expresses composition i think! tom hardy- bronson
all though this isn't the best composition i still felt it was a good image to show a different type of composition. things been side by side is still composition. matt walberg- ted
one for the veggies! another composition experiment